The three defeat war of Korea
The three defeat war of Korea
  • 장민혁
  • 승인 2019.02.19 11:27
  • 조회수 1249
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Many people have learned Korean history from ancient times. From elementary school to high school, everyone studied with a book called Korean History and become an adult, studying while reading the book that suits it. In the battle from many history books, we concentrate on the events that our country has won. However, Korea has not only won and has lost many, and there were defeats that people do not know well. We have to remember losing because history can be repeated. In recurring circumstances, we must remember that we should not see such sacrifices again. Let's look at some of the less well-known defeats, except for the famous defeats in our country



1. Defeat during the Japanese Invasion of the 15th(Imjinwaeran) – sea fight of Chilchonryang(1597)


One of the most famous war, the Battle of Imjinwaeran (1592), was defeated. The name of this battle is sea battle of Chilchonryang (1597). Sea battle of Chilchonryang was defeated by the mistake of a man named Won Gyun as the re-aggression of Kato Kiyomasa. Won Gyun was reluctant to participate, but even in unfavorable circumstances, he led 200 warships and forced to invasion. He tried to prevent the invasion of Kato, but he fell into the trap of Japanese navy and retreated to the place of Chilchonryang. At that time Won Gyun did not listen to the men who wanted to retreat. Then the Japanese army raided Chilchonryang. In this situation, Won Gyun escaped during the battle. On the way back to Hansan Island, Won Gyun escapeed and abandoned his ship. In the end, Won-gyun meeted the enemy and was killed. This war was a defeat due to the foolishness of the commander. It shows how important a commander is and shows that we should meet the commander well when the war happens later.


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 2.  Defeat during the byeongjahoran – Battle of ssangryoung (1636)


The next incident was a defeat in the byeongjahoran period. Before we learn about the defeat of this time, let's find out what happened to the byeongjahoran. The byeongjahoran was an angry Qing military invaded the country when king refused the Qing dynasty. Injo, the defeated, formed a promise in the Samgundo that had a military relationship. Let's find out about the battle of the ssangryoung battle, which is called the worst hit in history since the birth of the byeongjahoran. The battle of Ssangyoung have suffered close to extinction compared to other battles. For the first reason, nevertheless the information of other side, they did not send scout in battle to get the information . The second reason is that during the Japanese invasion of Imjinwaeran, the forces of the Japanese military were bombarded, and many people armed with guns were lacking in training. As a result, the soldiers were tense, and when they shot the guns, they exhausted all of the gunpowder and wiped out the gap. On the other hand, the general Min-young’s camp was well organized, but the problem was that the gunpowder was dispelled, and the gunpowder was redistributed while the gunpowder hit the spark of the whistle, causing the fraud to fall and become confused. In this case, the general Min-young is killed. This defeat shows that Korea should work hard to prepare for war and that information is very important.



3. Korean war - East Line battle of Hyunri(1951.5)


The last battle was the battle that took place during the Korean War. The Battle of Hyunri is the battle that took place from May 16 to May 22, 1951. There were 3,5,7 units at that time, and the Chinese army broke through the defenses of 3,5,7. And occupied Omachi Pass, the most important site of the time. Therefore, general planned the recapitalization with two regiments of three regiments, nine regiments and one regiment, but the strange things happened before the operation. the two regiments that were preparing for release immediately before the recapture suddenly began to escape without being properly attacked by the Chinese or the People's Army. A large-scale troop withdrawal occurred and panic in the army fell into panic. The commanders set out to tackle the situation and failed, eventually ordering equipment damage and retreat. In other words, the soldiers who did not fight properly became lost at one time. This battle, which is truly a pity, can be seen as an example of what happens if a friend's morale falls. It is always important to raise the morale of team members or soldiers.


Like the previous defeat, there was a defeat in Korea, not just a victory. The sea battle of chilchonryang were defeated due to lack of ability of commander, and battle of Ssangyoung was lacking gunpowder and training of soldiers using guns. Finally, the battle of the East Front Line Hyeonri is a case in which three divisions with low morale were not fighting at Omachi Pass, but the soldiers escaped and defeated. These are all well-known events and we are sure to lose. There is this saying. 'Victory must be recorded, and defeat must be remembered.' I hope that people in our country will also remember about the defeat.


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